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Collective Noun of Singers

Collective Noun of Singers. Find the answer to this question and access a vast question bank that is customized for students.

Collective Noun of Singers

The collective noun of singers is Choir.

If you’re talking about something like a team, an organisation, or even a group of people, you’ll use the term “collective noun” (for example, a team of eleven football players) the members of a nuclear unit (for example, a crew of hundred ailors).

A “word that refers to a group of things considered as a whole” is one way to define the term “collective noun.” As a rule of thumb, the majority of common collective nouns are not restricted to a single category of things.

Group, for example, can refer to a group of people, canines, or any other object that has the collective noun “group” attached to it.

For example, the term venery, which describes groups of specific animals, are collective nouns that can only be applied to one category of things.

To give one example, the word “pride” is never used to describe dogs or cows when referring to lions in a reverent context.

Another example is that a group of owls is known as a “parliament” in popular culture.

Collective nouns are the names of groups or collections of people, animals, or other objects that are discussed as a single entity and referred to in a collective sense. These nouns can also be used to refer to things that are grouped.