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Add Suffix to Make New Word Agree

Add a prefix or suffix to make the new word 'agree'. Find the answer to this question and access a vast question bank that is customised for students.

Add Suffix to Make the New Word ‘Agree’


People often say that I am an agreeable person. I am easy to get along with and always willing to help out. I am a good listener and always try to see both sides of every issue. My friends know that they can count on me to be fair and reasonable. I think that this is why people tend to find me so agreeable.


Agreeableness is one of the qualities that people look for in a friend. It is a quality that makes someone easy to get along with and pleasant to be around. If you are looking for a friend who will always be there for you and make your life more enjoyable, look for someone agreeable.


Agreeably, agreeable people are more likely to be successful in life. This is because they can get along with others and build strong relationships. Agreeable people tend to be popular and well-liked, which can help them succeed in their careers or social life.

So, if you want to be more successful in life, try to be more agreeable. It will make you more popular and liked, and it will help you build strong relationships with others. You may not become the most popular person globally, but you will be more successful if you are more agreeable.


The meaning of agreement can be interpreted in a few ways. First, being agreeable means getting along with others and building strong relationships. This is because agreeable people are pleasant and always willing to help out. Second, being agreeable means being able to see both sides of every issue. This is because agreeable people are good listeners and always try to be fair.