Question & Answer » English Questions » 30 Opposite Words in English from A to Z

30 Opposite Words in English from A to Z

Answer : Below are the approx 30 opposite words in English from a to z given.

You can know all the opposite words in English from a to z from here. 

  • After – Before
  • Active – Lazy
  • absence – Presence
  • abundance – lack
  • add – subtract
  • admit – deny
  • bad luck – fortune
  • beauty – ugliness
  • Cold – Hot
  • Clean – Dirty
  • Daughter – Son
  • Deep – Shallow
  • End – Beginning
  • Enter – Exit
  • Fast – Slow
  • Female – Male
  • Sad – Happy
  • Salt – Sugar
  • Sharp – Blunt
  • Top – Bottom
  • Thin – Thick
  • Young – Old
  • Yes – No
  • white – black
  • whole – part
  • Yesterday – Tomorrow
  • Under – Over
  • Up – Down
  • Vertical – Horizontal
  • village – town

Consequently, all these are the 30 opposite words in English from a to z. Besides this, there are also millions of opposite words consisting in English from a to z.