Question & Answer » Commerce Question » What Are the Five Principles of Sustainable Development?

What Are the Five Principles of Sustainable Development?


Sustainable development is an approach to a country’s economic development that does not jeopardize the environment’s quality for future generations.

Following are the five principles of sustainable development: 

  1. To conserve the ecosystem or the environment. 
  2. To conserve the planet’s biodiversity. 
  3. To ensure sustainable development of the society. 
  4. To conserve human resources. 
  5. Control and management of population. 

Given below are a few examples of Sustainable Development:

  1. Sustainable forestry
  2. Sustainable construction
  3. Green space
  4. Solar energy
  5. Efficient water fixtures 
  6. Crop rotation
  7. Wind energy

The fundamental goals of sustainable development are to promote development that minimizes environmental concerns and meets the requirements of the current generation without jeopardizing the environment’s quality for future generations.