Question & Answer » Chemistry Questions » Write the steps to convert Methane to Ethane

Write the steps to convert Methane to Ethane

Answer : The steps needed to convert methane to ethane are given as follows:

  • At first, chloromethane is formed when it is reacted with chlorine gas along with the presence of sunlight or UV light
  • Secondly, the formed chloromethane is reacted with metals of sodium as well as with dry ether giving out the formation of ethane
  • The process of conversion of methane to ethane using this process is called Wurtz Synthesis

If we look it in the form of reaction it will be as, 

CH4 + Cl———> CH3Cl + HCl    (UV presence)

2CH3Cl + 2Na  ——-> C2H6        (Presence of dry ether) .