Question & Answer » Chemistry Questions » Write the General outer Electronic Configuration of s, p, d and f block elements.

Write the General outer Electronic Configuration of s, p, d and f block elements.


The periodic table is a system for organising chemical elements into groups. Chemical elements are the fundamental components of all matter. 

The atomic number is a unique property of each chemical element. The number derives from the number of protons, which are small particles found in each atom of the element.

The periodic table of chemical elements, often known as the periodic table, is a table that classifies all known chemical elements into rows (called periods) and columns (called groups) based on increasing atomic number.

The s, p, d, and f- blocks are defined by the entry of an element’s outermost electron into an orbital. The element characteristics of related block elements are similar.

The arrangement of orbital energy levels for s, p, d, and f-block elements of the periodic table is known as electronic configuration, general electron configuration, or electronic structure of atoms or ions.

The general electronic configurations of s, p, d, f is as follows;

  • The general electronic configurations of  s – block element – ns(1-2)
  • The general electronic configurations of  p- block element – nnp(1-6)
  • The general electronic configurations of  d – block element – (n-1)d(1-10)ns(0 -2)
  • The general electronic configurations of  d – block element – (n-2)f(1-14)(n-1)d(0-1)n