Question & Answer » Chemistry Questions » Write the General Formula of Aldehyde.

Write the General Formula of Aldehyde.


An aldehyde is an organic molecule that contains a functional group with the formula R-CH=O in organic chemistry. The functional group (without the “ R” side chain) can be classed as an aldehyde or a formal group. Aldehydes are widely used and serve vital roles in industry and biology.

  • The CHO a group is an aldehyde in which one valency of carbon is free to interact with various atoms and groups.
  • The member will be HCHO if the valency of Carbon is met by Hydrogen.
  • The member will be CH3CHO if the methyl group is satisfied.
  • The member will be C2H5CHO if it is happy with the ethyl group, and so forth.
  • Because the general formula for an alkyl group is CnH2n+1, the general formula for an aldehyde is CnH2n+1CHO, where n=0,1,2,3 and so on.