Question & Answer » Chemistry Questions » Which of the Following is a Network solid (A) I2 (B) Diamond (C) Water Ice (D) SO2 Solid

Which of the Following is a Network solid (A) I2 (B) Diamond (C) Water Ice (D) SO2 Solid

Answer: (B) Diamond 

Covalently linked atoms make up network solids. They are bonded in such a way that they resemble a continuous network extending through their entire structure.


  • Diamond is a giant crystalline solid in which constituent atoms are held together by covalent bonds of a non-metal carbon.  
  • It has covalent bonding extending throughout the crystal-like structure. 
  • There is a strong and directional connection between two adjacent atoms of the crystal, which results in a covalent bond helping the atoms to be held strongly at their positions.
  • Thus, it has a very high melting point which indicates that diamond is a network solid.