Question & Answer » Chemistry Questions » Which Country is the Largest Producer of Sugarcane?

Which Country is the Largest Producer of Sugarcane?

Answer. The Southern Hemisphere is home to the world’s largest sugarcane producers. Drought is caused by extreme heat and a lack of rain, reducing the amount of cane harvested. However, such weather may result in much smaller cane crops, but the extreme heat can increase the sucrose yield from the cane.

Russia and Europe, the world’s largest beet-producing regions, are located on the other side of the equator. Adverse weather conditions such as flooding, freezing, and snowfall put the crop at risk of stunted growth.

The nation that has historically been the most significant global producer of cane sugar holds the top spot. In 2019/20, the South American powerhouse manufactured 29.61 MMT despite not even optimising the production according to sugar, as sweetener returns were less compelling than ethanol – more on this transition later.

Rainfall is abundant in Brazil’s Center-South (CS) region, which produces 90% of the country’s output. The region is known for its ideal cane modernisation weather, climate for cane culture, and an effective transport network. A favourable set of circumstances allows for a cane processing volume of nearly 600 MMT.