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What is the Structure of IF7

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IF7, or Iodine heptafluoride is an interhalogen compound. It has a coordination number of 7. It was predicted by the VSEPR theory that IF7 has an unusual pentagonal bipyramidal structure as the central iodine atom undergoes sp3d3 hybridisation. 

IF7 has seven bond pairs, zero lone pairs and D5h symmetry. 5 Fluorine atoms are bonded to the central iodine atom in a through equatorial bonds in the pentagonal ring and 2 fluorine atoms are bonded to the central iodine atom through axial bond. The axial bond length (179 pm) is shorter than the equatorial bond length (186 pm). The equatorial bonds are at 72 degrees of an angle to each other. 

The structure of IF7 can be seen as follows: 

IF7 is known to be a strong oxidizing agent and has a boiling point of 4.77 °C.