Question & Answer » Chemistry Questions » What is The Reaction of The Decomposition of Calcium Carbonate

What is The Reaction of The Decomposition of Calcium Carbonate

Answer : A decomposition reaction is a reaction in which a single chemical compound gets broken down into simpler chemical fragments. External factors like heat energy are supplied to the chemical compound to proceed with the decomposition into simpler fragments. It is exactly the opposite of chemical synthesis.

The chemical decomposition of calcium carbonate is categorised into thermal decomposition as heat energy is required to start this decomposition process. The thermal decomposition process is only activated when the required heat is supplied to them. The decomposition of calcium carbonate is an example of thermal decomposition.

When calcium carbonate is heated up to a certain temperature at which decomposition of calcium carbonate takes place and produces calcium oxide and carbon dioxide as the products of decomposition, the Calcium carbonate has to be strongly heated to start the chemical decomposition process. This decomposition mechanism of calcium carbonate is used to produce quicklime in the industrial sector.

The chemical equation for the given reaction is :

                      CaCO3 —> CaO + CO2

Uses of Calcium Carbonate:

Calcium carbonate undergoes thermal decomposition at a certain temperature to form carbon dioxide and calcium oxide, an important material in making steel, glass, paper etc. Because of its anti-acid properties, calcium carbonate is used in industries to neutralise certain acidic conditions in water and soil. It is used in the form of fertiliser for plants, provides Calcium to the plants, and helps maintain the pH levels of the soil. It is also used as a dietary supplement for living beings.