Question & Answer » Chemistry Questions » What is the Molecular Mass of Toluene?

What is the Molecular Mass of Toluene?

Answer: Toluene, also better known as toluene, is an aromatic compound. The physical properties of toluene are it is a colourless and water-insoluble liquid with a characteristic smell. It has a methyl group which is connected to a phenyl group and is a benzene derivative. The IUPAC naming of Toluene is called  Methyl Benzene. It is used for the production of paints, explosives, and lacquers. The molecular formula is C₇H₈.

The Molecular mass of C₇H₈ is calculated by:

Molecular mass of Carbon =12.01g/mol

The molecular mass of Hydrogen is 1.01g/mol

Molecular mass of C₇H₈ = (12.01×7)+(1.01×8)

                                        =92.14 g/mol

Therefore the molecular mass of Toluene is 92.14 g/mol.