Question & Answer » Chemistry Questions » What is the Molar Mass of Sodium Hydroxide?

What is the Molar Mass of Sodium Hydroxide?

The molar mass is the total mass in grams of all the atoms that make up a mole of a specific molecule. The molar mass is a mass property of a substance, not a molecular property usually expressed in grams per mole.

The formula for Sodium Hydroxide is NaOH, as known. One sodium atom, one oxygen atom, and one hydrogen atom make up this compound. 

All of the atoms’ atomic masses are known to us which are,

Na=22.989g/mol O=15.999g/mol H=1.008g/mol  

When all of the molar masses of the constituents of sodium hydroxide are added together, the result is sodium hydroxide’s (NaOH) molar mass.

Thus, 22.989g/mol+15.999g/mol+1.008g/mol=39.996g/mol.