Question & Answer » Chemistry Questions » What is the Molar Mass of Silver Nitrate

What is the Molar Mass of Silver Nitrate

Answer : The molar mass of any chemical refers to the molecular weight of the chemical in-unit grams. The formula representation is:

1 mole = molecular mass of the chemical (in grams)

Silver nitrate is an inorganic chemical with a colorless appearance. The formula representation of silver nitrate is AgNO3

The molar mass of silver nitrate is calculated as:

The molecular weight of silver nitrate= sum of the atomic mass of atoms in one molecule of AgNO3.

The molecular weight is:

Ag (1) = 1 X107.9= 107.9 grams

N (1) =1X14.0= 14.0 grams

O (3) = 3X16.0=48.0 grams.

Hence the molar mass of the Silver Nitrate (AgNO3) is 107 + 14 + 48 = 169.9 g/mol.