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What is the Meaning of Nascent Oxygen

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Q. Meaning of nascent oxygen: 

Nascent oxygen refers to that oxygen atom which exists as a mono-atom, i.e. O. Nascent is used to refer to a newly formed thing. Therefore nascent oxygen is the oxygen in its beginning stage.

The oxygen is found in three forms: monoatomic (a single O molecule), di-atomic form (O2 that we inhale) and triatomic (O3, also called Ozone). So nascent oxygen is used to refer to monoatomic oxygen. For Diatomic oxygen, we use the term ‘oxygen gas’, and ozone is used for triatomic oxygen. 

Importance of nascent oxygen: 

Nascent oxygen is the beginning stage, and the other two variants of oxygen are also formed due to the reaction of nascent oxygen. 

When O combines with O (i.e. one molecule of oxygen combines with another), it leads to the formation of O2. Similarly, the addition of a third molecule of oxygen leads to Ozone (O3) formation. 

Features of Nascent Oxygen:

  •  Nascent oxygen reacts with different types of molecules, including DNA. 
  1. Nascent oxygen is produced when a potent oxidising agent reacts with ethanol. Strong oxidising agents include Potassium dichromate, Potassium permanganate, etc. 
  2. Another way to produce nascent oxygen is to thermally decompose strong acids like H2SO4. The result of the reaction includes water, sulphuric acid and nascent oxygen. 
  3. It is a very unstable molecule due to which it is highly reactive with other elements. 
  4. It can act as a strong oxidiser. 
  5. It is written in square brackets [O].