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What is the IUPAC name for CH3CHO

What is the IUPAC name for CH₃CHO? Find the answer to this question and access a vast question bank that is customised for students.

What is the Iupac Name for CH3CHO? 

The IUPAC name for CH3CHO is Ethanal, also known as Acetaldehyde.

It has 2 carbons, so the term “Eth” is used as prefix and it belongs to the aldehyde group, so the term “al” is used as suffix.

Ethanal is a colourless liquid or gas with an Ethereal odour and miscible solubility in water, ethanol, xylene, ether, benzene, acetone, toluene, and turpentine.

Properties of Ethanal:

Molar mass: 44.053 g·mol-1

Boiling point: 20.2 °C

Density: 0.784 g·cm-3

Melting point: −123.37 °C

Vapour pressure: 740 mmHg

Refractive Index: 1.3316

Uses of Ethanal

Used as a fuel, in explosives, in perfumery, and as a precursor to acetic acid.

It is primarily used for the production of dyestuffs and other organic chemicals. Sometimes used as an intermediate for pharmaceuticals and pesticides.

Its derivative, vinyl acetate is an important monomer in the plastics industry.