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What is the ionic product of water?

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Answer: All living things require water to function properly. It is composed of two hydrogens and one oxygen molecule in its purest form. H2O is the chemical name for water. Electrical currents don’t easily flow through pure water. It demonstrates how weak electrolyte water is and how it divides into two molecule ions during the self-ionization process. Hydrogen and hydroxyl ions make these particles.

Only a tiny fraction of the millions of water molecules—minimally ionized—are broken down into H+ and OH- ions. Consequently, the quantity of unionized water molecules, i.e., [H2O] remains almost constant (being equal to 1000/18=55.55 moles per litre, because of 1 litre of water =1000cc=1000g and molar mass of H2O=18gmol–1), i.e., [H2O]= constant.