Question & Answer » Chemistry Questions » What is the Ground State Electron Configuration of the Element Kr

What is the Ground State Electron Configuration of the Element Kr

Answer: Krypton is known to be the element 36 of the periodic table. The atomic number of Krypton is 36 and the atomic weight of Krypton is 83.798. Krypton is denoted by the symbol Kr. This element was discovered by William Ramsay in 1898. This discovery took place in the United Kingdom. The ground-state electron configuration of Krypton is known to be  [Ar] 3d10 4s² 4p6. Those atoms having multiple electrons can have lengthy notations. The complete ground-state configuration for Krypton is 1s² 2s² 2p6 3s² 3p6 3d10 4s² 4p6.