Question & Answer » Chemistry Questions » What is the Electron Configuration of the Gallium Atom

What is the Electron Configuration of the Gallium Atom

Answer: Gallium atomic number – 31

The electronic structure of Gallium is Ar3d104s24p1.

  • Electronic Configuration:

The electronic configuration of an element is a symbolic depiction of how the electrons in its atoms are distributed across different atomic orbitals. When writing electron configurations, a standardised nomenclature is used, with the energy level and type of orbital stated first, then the number of electrons in the orbital put in superscript.

  • Gallium:

Gallium is a member of Group 13 of the periodic table. The group 13 elements are the first in the p-block of the periodic table. All of the elements in group 13 belong to the boron family. s, p, d, and f are the four blocks of the periodic table. The ns2np1 electronic arrangement for group 13 elements are the most common.