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What Functional Group is Cooh?

What functional group is cooh. Find the answer to this question and access a vast question bank that is customized for students.

Answer: 1. A functional group may be found in any organic compound and provides information on the molecule’s specific properties and chemical reactions.

  1. The COOH functional group contains both a carbonyl and a hydroxyl group in its structure.
  2. A carbon atom is considered part of a carboxylic group if it shares a double covalent bond with oxygen and a single covalent bond with a hydroxyl group (OH).
  3. The general formula for this functional group is R-COOH, where R can be either a hydrogen atom or an alkyl group.
  4. Some examples of carboxylic acids include acetic acid (CH3COOH), formic acid (HCOOH), and others like them.