Question & Answer » Chemistry Questions » What are the Merits of Mendeleev’s Periodic Table

What are the Merits of Mendeleev’s Periodic Table


  • Mendeleev arranged the periodic table placing the elements on the basis of their atomic weight. 
  • One problem faced with this periodic table is that it did not include Noble gases in it. 
  • So, the modern periodic table was designed on the basis of atomic number, including the noble gases. 
  • Merits of Mendeleev’s table:
  • Elements with similar properties were placed together.
  • For some elements, correct mass was assigned through calculations.
  • New elements could be predicted through this arrangement.
    • Ex., Eka-boron, Eka-aluminium, and Eka-silicon were predicted as they had similar properties as boron, aluminium, and silicon respectively.