Question & Answer » Chemistry Questions » The Purest Form of Water that is Considered to be (A) Water from well (B) Bore water (C) Rain water (D) Tap water

The Purest Form of Water that is Considered to be (A) Water from well (B) Bore water (C) Rain water (D) Tap water

Answer : (C) Rainwater is the finest source of natural water. Rainwater is produced immediately by the condensing of water due to the action of the sun. The water in lakes, rivers, & oceans evaporates. During the evaporation process, all pollutants are eliminated, as well as the water subsequently falling directly onto the soil as rain.

Pure water is an aqueous freshwater solution that is devoid like any soluble substances or gasses in chemistry. Clean water supply, on either hand, is needed by the WHO to include traces of minerals such as salt & magnesium, and also carbonates or dissolved gases such as oxygen.