Question & Answer » Chemistry Questions » The Percentage of Nitrogen in Urea

The Percentage of Nitrogen in Urea

The percentage of nitrogen in urea is about: A) 38.4 B) 46.6 C) 59.1 D) 61.3 - Find the answer to this question and access a vast question bank that is customized for students.

The Percentage of Nitrogen in Urea Is about: 

 A) 38.4

 B) 46.6

 C) 59.1

 D) 61.3

Answer: B

Explanation: Nitrogen is significant for plant development and can be ‘fixed’ by lightning or added to soils in composts. A dreary, unscented gas. Nitrogen means a lot to the synthetic business. It is utilized to make composts, nitric corrosive, nylon, colors, and explosives. It is utilized to make amino acids in our body which thus make proteins. It is likewise expected to make nucleic acids, which structure DNA and RNA. People or different species on earth require nitrogen in a ‘fixed’ responsive structure.

While more than 90% of urea delivered is utilized as manure, it has different purposes, which incorporate the production of the melamine, utilized in melamine-methanal pitches. Urea itself likewise frames significant pitches. Undeniably significant utilization of urea is in decreasing air contamination from diesel motors in vehicles, transports, and trucks.

Urea has the most noteworthy nitrogen content of all strong nitrogenous manures in like manner use. Subsequently, it has a low transportation cost for every unit of nitrogen supplement. The most well-known pollution of manufactured urea is biuret, which hinders plant development. Urea separates in the dirt to give ammonium. Smelling salts are a harmful result of nitrogen digestion which ought to be eliminated from our bodies. The urea cycle or ornithine cycle changes the overabundance of alkali into urea in the mitochondria of liver cells. The urea frames then, at that point, enter the circulatory system, are separated by the kidneys, and is eventually discharged in the pee. The two nitrogens of urea are presented from various antecedents and in various cell compartments. One nitrogen is gotten from alkali and is integrated into carbamoyl phosphate via carbamoyl-phosphate synthetase, which happens in the mitochondrial lattice.

We realize that the mass of nitrogen is 28. Thus, by involving the equation for the rate: 28/60×100=46.6%. In this way, the level of nitrogen present in the space is 46.6%.

in urea is 46.6% . Hence, the correct answer is option B.