Question & Answer » Chemistry Questions » The Electron Configuration for Magnesium is 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2. What is the Distribution of Electrons in the Electron Shells of a Magnesium Atom

The Electron Configuration for Magnesium is 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2. What is the Distribution of Electrons in the Electron Shells of a Magnesium Atom


  • The 1s orbital is occupied by the first two electrons. Two electrons can be accommodated in the 1s orbital.
  • Magnesium’s next two electrons are in the 2s orbital.
  • The 6p orbital will receive the next six electrons. Up to six electrons can fit in the p orbital.
  • Six electrons will be placed in the 2p orbital, followed by two electrons in the 3s orbital.
  • The electron configuration of Magnesium will therefore be 1 2 2p6 3

The electron count of the Mg atom is 12 electrons. Magnesium’s electron configuration is,  MgZ=12= 1s² 2 2p6 3