Question & Answer » Chemistry Questions » Predict the Oxidation Number of Nitrogen in Ammonia ( NH3)

Predict the Oxidation Number of Nitrogen in Ammonia ( NH3)

Q. Predict the oxidation number of nitrogen in ammonia (NH3)

Ans:– The total number of electrons that an atom acquires or loses in order to create a chemical connection with another atom is known as the oxidation number, also known as the oxidation state.

An oxidation-reduction reaction assigns an oxidation number to each atom that indicates its ability to acquire, donate, or share electrons. The oxidation number of an element that can exist in more than one oxidation state is represented by a roman numeral in parentheses after the name of the element in inorganic chemistry nomenclature-for example, iron(II) chloride ((FeCl2) and iron(III) chloride (FeCl3).

The chemical formula for ammonia is NH3. It is a colourless gas. Hydrogen and nitrogen make up this substance. 

Ammonium hydroxide is the name for it in aqueous form. The odour of this inorganic chemical is strong. It’s hazardous and corrosive in its concentrated form.

Let x represent the nitrogen oxidation state in ammonia. Hydrogen has an oxidation state of +1.

x + 3(+1) = 0

x +3 = 0

x = -3

Nitrogen has an oxidation number of -3, while Hydrogen has an oxidation number of +1.