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Name two Chemicals used to Disinfect Water

Name two chemicals used to disinfect water.? Find the answer to this question and access a vast question bank that is customised for the student.

Q. Name two chemicals used to disinfect water?

Ans:- Pathogenic bacteria are eliminated, deactivated, or killed during water disinfection. Microorganisms are deactivated, putting an end to their development and reproduction. The usage of drinking water will make people sick if microbes are not eliminated from it.

The following are the most regularly utilised compounds in the water treatment process:

  1. Chlorine
  2. Soda ash or Sodium bicarbonate
  3. Algicide
  4. Chlorine dioxide
  5. Muriatic acid

Key Points:

  • Chlorine is a halogen that belongs to group 17 of the periodic table. It is abundant in nature and required by most kinds of life, including humans, as the chloride ion, which is found in common salt and other compounds. 
  • Chlorine is a potent oxidant in its elemental form and is employed in bleaching and disinfectants, as well as an important reagent in the chemical industry. Chlorine compounds are a typical disinfectant used in swimming pools to keep them clean and sanitary.
  • Soda ash and washing soda are chemically known as sodium carbonate. Trona ore is a major source of soda ash. 
  • Sodium carbonate is used mostly in the creation of glass and the production of chemicals. It can eliminate calcifications in everything from coffee pots and espresso makers to boilers and hot water heaters, as well as alcohol and grease stains from garments. 
  • Soda ash can also be used to boost alkalinity in swimming pools, ensuring that the water maintains a proper pH balance.