Question & Answer » Chemistry Questions » Name the process by which common salt is obtained from seawater

Name the process by which common salt is obtained from seawater

Name the process by which common salt is obtained from seawater.

Common salt is obtained from seawater evaporation.

Evaporation is the process by which a liquid transitions to a gaseous form below the boiling point of an element or compound.

Water molecules absorb heat from the Sun and change into water vapours, which evaporate in the environment, leaving the salt behind since salt has a far higher boiling point than water.

Evaporation is the method for extracting common salt from seawater. The substance of salt is left behind after seawater is heated or evaporated. Salt is collected and transported via artificial setups for commercial or industrial uses.

Evaporation is used on a large scale to get common salt from seawater in the process of obtaining salt from seawater. 

Seawater is trapped and allowed to stand in shallow lakes. The sun’s heat evaporates the water in shallow lakes over time, leaving common salt as a solid. Many salts are dissolved in seawater.

The salt formed by evaporation of ocean water or water from salty lakes is referred to as sea salt. It has a lower processing level than table salt and contains more trace minerals. 

These minerals add colour and flavour to the dish. Fine grains or crystals of sea salt are available. Sea salt is frequently recommended as a healthier alternative to table salt.

Sprinkling sea salt on roasted vegetables, adding it to chocolate-based desserts, and seasoning steaks, burgers, and fish are all common ways to use it.