Question & Answer » Chemistry Questions » Lyophilic Sols are More Stable than Lyophobic Sols Because

Lyophilic Sols are More Stable than Lyophobic Sols Because

Answer : Sols are a colloidal system in which the solid is evenly spread throughout the liquid. There are two sorts of sols:

  • Lyophilic solution 

  • Lyophobic solution

Solvent-loving sols are lyophilic, while solvent-hating sols are lyophobic. The dispersed phase of lyophobic sols also shows no attraction to the solvent.

The existence of a charge and the solvation of colloidal particles give lyophilic sols their stability. 

On the other hand, Lyophobic sols are only stable because of the presence of a charge. As a result of the widespread solvation, the lyophilic sol is more stable than the lyophobic sol.