Q. How is Clayey Soil Useful for Crops?
The soil helps to grow crops as it is fertile and rich in humus which helps retain water. Clayey soil is soil that contains a high percentage of fine particles and colloidal substances and gets sticky when wet. It is a fine-textured soil which helps to retain a good percentage of water than is present in other soils. A soil which has 20% soil which makes its sticky, gummy clayey soil, is a combination of sand, slit and clay-sized particles. The colour of the soil is light brown, which is also due to the presence of iron oxide. The chemical composition of the soil is silica, alumina or magnesia or sometimes even both are present. Magnesium in this soil varies to good degrees, and it also has a good quantity of potassium which seems to be very important for the soil.
The sand is tracked down in the front of the levels of Maharashtra, Saurashtra Malwa Madhya Pradesh and accessible in Chhattisgarh and present in the southeast bearing of the direction along Godavari and Krishna valleys. Due to the high fertility rate, it helps grow crops like wheat and gram. Clayey has various properties which help in getting the best of the crop. The small particle consists mainly of three components: clay. Its affinity towards water helps to extract a large amount of water where 50% of the water goes to the plants, and the rest helps the surface of the soil to be wet and its root. It’s denser than other soil, letting it warm up slowly in the spring.
Clayey soil is highly fertile. It’s not only water it can hold, but it can also hold nutrients essential for the plants to grow and provide the best results. The wheat and gram require rainfall of about 50cm to 100cm, which is required for them, but the rainy season lasts for a short time; hence this soil helps retain water for a longer time.