Question & Answer » Chemistry Questions » How Do I Get The Molar Mass of Urea

How Do I Get The Molar Mass of Urea


  • We need to know the molecular formula of urea to compute its molar mass.
  • Urea’s molecular formula is NH2CONH2.
  • To get the molar mass of any chemical, we must first determine the molecular weight of the various elements that make up the molecule.
  • Carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen are the individual elements in the chemical formula of urea.
  • Hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen have molecular weights of 1, 12, 14, and 16, respectively.
  • As a result, the molecular weight of urea can be simply computed, as shown below.

=4 (H) + 2 (N) + (O) + (C) 

= 4 (1) + 2(14) + (16) + (12) 

= 4 + 28 + 16 + 12 

= 60 

As a result, the urea’s molecular mass is 60 g/mol.