Question & Answer » Chemistry Questions » For the Complex Ion [Fe(Cn)6]3- State (1) Type of Hybridisation (2) Magnetic Behaviour (3) Oxidation Number of Central Metal Atom

For the Complex Ion [Fe(Cn)6]3- State (1) Type of Hybridisation (2) Magnetic Behaviour (3) Oxidation Number of Central Metal Atom


The type of hybridisation: CN strong ligand is present in this complex ion which forms a low spin complex with the use of inner 3d orbitals. Hence, the hybridisation of this complex is d2sp3.

The magnetic behaviour:  This complex contains an unpaired electron. Hence, the magnetic behaviour of the complex is paramagnetic.

The oxidation number of the central metal atom: The oxidation number of the metal iron is +3. The CN carries a negative charge and the overall charge on the complex is -3. After computing, the charge will result as +3 on metal.