Question & Answer » Chemistry Questions » Explain the Formation of O2 Molecule Using Molecular Orbital Theory

Explain the Formation of O2 Molecule Using Molecular Orbital Theory

Explain the formation of O2molecules using molecular orbital theory.

A molecular orbital (or MO) is an orbital in the atomic structure of molecules. It is a molecule’s electron wave function that is used to calculate its chemical and physical properties.

Molecular orbital diagram of oxygen molecule:

Given element  – Oxygen

Atomic number of oxygen – 8

Electronic configuration – 122p4

Total number of electrons in nitrogen molecule – 16

Molecular orbital diagram of O2 is as follows;


Electronic configuration of oxygen molecule;

ó1 < 1 < ó2 < 2  , [ π2px²  = π2py²] < ó 2pz²  < [2px¹ =2py¹] < 2pz  

Let’ s calculate the bond order of O;

Bond order = Bonding electrons – Anti bonding electrons / 2

                        = 10 – 6 / 2  = 2

Thereofore, the order of O2 is 2.

O2  have unpaired electrons, Hence it is Paramagnetic.

The structure of  O2 is as follows;