Question & Answer » Chemistry Questions » Describe the Threat to the Beauty of the Taj Mahal

Describe the Threat to the Beauty of the Taj Mahal

Answer : The Taj Mahal is our famous old monument deteriorating due to acidic rains corroding its marble, which is calcium carbonate. The existence of a factory, the Mathura chemical refinery, which emits acidic pollutants like sulfur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide entering the atmosphere, is the cause of these acid rains.

The Taj Mahal may be a prominent target for the enemy during a conflict. Floods, earthquakes, high winds, and heat waves are potential threats to the Taj Mahal. Pollution is the biggest, the most serious threat to the Taj Mahal’s survival. As a result, if the pollution in the Taj Mahal areas isn’t regulated properly, it may harm our country’s historical dignity.