Question & Answer » Chemistry Questions » Burning of Magnesium Ribbon in the Air is an Example of

Burning of Magnesium Ribbon in the Air is an Example of

Answer:  Combination reaction.

Combination reaction can be defined as the type of chemical reaction in which two or more reactants combine together to form a single product.

When the burning of magnesium ribbon takes place in the air, it reacts with the oxygen found in the air to form a white powdery ash that is known as magnesium oxide as depicted in the chemical equation stated below: 

     2Mg        +        O2                                                    →  2MgO

Magnesium          Oxygen                                               Magnesium oxide 

Since two different substances – Magnesium and Oxygen combine together to form a single substance – Magnesium Oxide, the chemical reaction of burning a magnesium ribbon in the air is an example of Combination Reaction.