Q. Which is the largest cell organelle present in a plant cell?
Answer: The nucleus is known as the largest cell organelle in the plant cell. The plant cell nucleus is also known best for its highly focused organelle that attends as the administrative and information center of the plant cell.
This type of organelle contains two key functions as plant cell nucleus stores the hereditary material of DNA or cell, and it manages the cell’s movements and also contains growth, intermediary metabolism, protein synthesis, and cell division or reproduction
Functions of Nucleus in Plant Cell
The nucleus plays a vital role in the proper functioning of plant cells and is used to regulate and store DNA. The major role of the nucleus is to stock DNA.
The storage of DNA is possible only due to the nucleus by shortening DNA into a twisted arrangement known as chromatin around the tiny proteins known as histones.
These proteins control the storing of DNA and allow the transcription process, which helps the cell read DNA and start making protein.
Furthermore, the functions of the plant cells are as follows:
- Regulating immune response to pathogens
- Exporting mRNA
- Regulating transcription
- Producing ribosomes in the nucleolus
- Storing DNA
- Copying DNA
Structure of Nucleus in Plant Cells
The arrangement of a nucleus within plant cells is in a way that it occupies nearly 10% of the overall cell volume or space.
The nucleus in the plant cell is spherical in appearance and located near the boundaries of the plant cell, central vacuoles are one of the organelles within the plant cells which occupy the majority of space in the center of the plant cell.
Some of the important parts of the nucleus of the plant cell:
- Nucleoplasm
- Endoplasmic reticulum
- Nuclear envelope
- Nuclear pores