Answer: Right, and left halves make up the liver’s two lobes. It occupies the majority of the area beneath the ribs and a little portion of the upper left belly. In a mature human body, the liver weighs between 1.2 and 1.5 kilograms. The mass of the liver varies between males and women as well as between different people. It weighs between 1 kg to 1.8 kg in men, compared to 0.6 kg to 1.7 kg in women. Age, sex, physical size, and form are a few variables that affect the size of the liver. Hepatic lobules, which include hepatic cells grouped in the shape of cords, are the organ’s structural and functional components of the liver. The Glisson’s capsule, a delicate connective tissue sheath, surrounds each lobule.
What is the weight of the human liver?
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