What is the full form of (1) ICBN and (2) ICZN?
- International Code of Botanical Nomenclature is the full form of ICBN
- International Code of Zoological Nomenclature is the full form of ICZN
The International Code of Botanical Nomenclature (ICBN) and the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature (ICZN) are acronyms for these two codes.
ICBN and ICZN determine the scientific names of all species. A universal rule for referring to scientific names was also established by these researchers. The International Code of Botanical Nomenclature (ICBN) and the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature (ICZN) are two different sets of nomenclature standards.
The following principles should be followed when naming organisms:
- Generic and specific are the only words in the scientific name. Words like “first” are both generic and specific.
- There is a difference between the generic and specific names when it comes to the first letter.
- Italicized or underlined forms of the scientific name are appropriate.
- Scientific names are given Latin or Greek names because they are no longer spoken and the meaning of the word hasn’t changed over time.
- In any kingdom, no two generic names can be the same, but specific names can be used again and again and again.
- The names of a taxonomic group are determined by the order in which they were first published.
- The organism should be stored in a herbarium or museum for future reference before being published under a new name or as a new specimen type.