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What is the Difference Between Apocarpous and Syncarpous Ovary?

What is the difference between apocarpous and syncarpous ovary?

  • The gynoecium of the ovary is referred to as the female reproductive system in the flower
  • The gynoecium is held at the centre of the part called the thalamus
  • The female reproductive system in flowers comprises numerous other parts for instance the pistils
  • The crucial segments of the pistil are the style, the stigma and the ovary
  • The ovary or the gynoecium is the site where the internal development of ovules takes place
  • The gynoecium can be categorised into four divisions i.e. 
    • Monocarpellary 
    • Multicarpellary
    • Syncarpous
    • Apocarpous
  • An apocarpous ovary has indistinct pistil presentation of the gynoecium
  • Syncarpous ovary has gynoecium consisting of a combined pistil presentation



  • In the apocarpous variant of the ovary, the flowers hold carpels more than one in number and they exist as a free entity i.e. distinct rather than fused
  • In the syncarpous variant, the carpels are fused
  • The free form of carpals in the apocarpous ovary represents the aggregate quantity of the fruits that can be produced
  • The flowers of syncarpous gynoecium produce only one fruit irrespective of the number of seeds being produced
  • The ovary has only one locule i.e. it is unilocular. The locule is the chamber where the development of ovules takes place
  • The ovary is either unilocular or multilocular i.e. having multiple chambers or locules 
  • Apocarpous ovary or gynoecium is a primitive form or condition
  • The syncarpous ovary is an advanced variant
  • A single placenta is observed in an apocarpous gynoecium
  • The number of placentae is generally more than one but single placentae occur in some cases
  • Examples of flowers showing apocarpous variants are lotus, aconitum, buttercup, ranunculus,  rose and strawberry
  • Examples of flowers showing syncarpous ovaries are mango, mustard, guava, coconut and tomato