Q. What are the methods of preventing or reducing soil erosion?
Answer:- Soil erosion can be a long, unnoticeable process or it can happen quickly, resulting in significant topsoil loss. Reduced agricultural production capacity, poor surface water quality, & broken drainage networks might all be consequences of soil loss on farming. Sinkholes may result from soil erosion.
Soil erosion is a process wherein the topsoil of a field is carried away by physical forces including such water and wind. Soil depletion is a continuous process that might happen slowly or quickly. It contributes to topsoil erosion, ecological damage and soil collapse among other things.
Farming, grazing, mining, building, and leisure activities are all examples of soil erosion.
Soil erosion is most commonly caused by the loss of plants and any action that dries up the ground.
Land loss isn’t the only effect of soil erosion. It really has contributed to an increase in river pollutants & sediment, which inhibits water sources and reduces the population of aquatic organisms.
Floods occur when degraded terrain loses its ability to convey water.
Methods of preventing soil erosion are as follows,
Excessive grazing should be avoided
Deforestation is avoided
Trees & plants are being planted
Mulch mats could be used to protect slopes from erosion
To keep any water or dirt from washing, stack a succession of fibre logs
A retaining wall at the bottom of a slope can assist keep the plant from eroding
Every home should have a good drainage system in place to ensure that water flows into appropriate water collection systems