Question & Answer » Biology Questions » What are the Important Features of Arid Soil

What are the Important Features of Arid Soil

Answer: Arid soils have floor horizons with numerous specific characteristics. Arid soil may be categorized as a set of soils belonging to the aridisol order of USDA classification. Some critical capabilities of arid soil are: 

  • The soils are purple and brown in color.
  • It is sandy in texture.
  • It is saline in nature and lacks humus and moisture.
  • Arid soils include a large number of soluble salts. 
  • It is alkaline in nature due to the fact there may be no rain to scrub soluble salts.
  • These soils are very infertile in nature.
  • Arid soils are characterized with the aid of using their water deficiencies. 
  • It incorporates excessive tiers of gypsum, calcium carbonates, and sodium.