Question & Answer » Biology Questions » What are the differences between dioecious and monoecious plants?

What are the differences between dioecious and monoecious plants?

Answer: The difference between the dioecious and monoecious plants are as follows:

Basis of differenceDioecious plants Monoecious plants
Meaning These plants have different parts for female and male flowersThese are plants that comprise of both female and male flowers together on one single plant
Seeds reproduction capabilityOnly female plants are used for the production of seedsEvery plant is capable of seed production 
Gametes production Different plants are used for the production of male and female gametesIt produces both the female and male gametes by the use of the same plant
Examples The main examples of the dioecious plants are Ginko Biloba trees, holly tree, and papaya treeThe commonly named monoecious plants are corn plants, oak plants and squash plants