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What are the causes of natural disasters

What are the causes of natural disasters? Find the answer to this question and access a vast question customised for students.

Answer: A natural disaster is a foremost contrary occasion after ordinary processes of the Earth; specimens comprise dust storms, firestorms, tsunamis, tornadoes, earthquakes, hurricanes, floods, volcanic eruptions, storms, and further geologic procedures. A natural disaster can result in the damage to life or possessions, along with financial damage, the harshness of which is resolved by the flexibility of the exaggerated population and the structure existing.

The causes of natural disasters are:

(i) Global warming

Global warming is a serious contributor to natural disasters because it affects our globe in so many areas. As hurricanes draw their energy from seawater, global warming causes ocean temperatures to rise, resulting in more and larger hurricanes and tropical storms.

(ii) Natural activities in the earth’s crust

Natural disasters are often triggered by natural events in the earth’s crust. Tension can build up inside the earth’s crust due to natural processes, which can be released through earthquakes.

(iii) Tectonic movement

Because the globe is made up of several plates sliding on our planet’s underlying mantle rather than a single surface, a relocation or colliding of these plates might have disastrous consequences. Earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and tsunamis are all possible outcomes.

(iv) Deforestation

Forests normally mitigate floods and droughts by balancing and holding back natural groundwater resources, so deforestation might lead to an increase in natural catastrophes.

(v) Soil erosion

Soil erosion can result in significant soil degradation, which can result in a loss of fertility and, as a result, hunger for local inhabitants. Soil erosion also can result in landslides, which can be devastating to both nature and humanity.

(vi)Seismic activity

Earthquakes can be caused by seismic activity inside our planet.