Q. What are fats in the human body stored as?
Answer:- Fats which are also known as fatty acids or, more precisely, lipids, are a result of a combination of three molecules that are joined together called triglycerides. Most of the fats present in our body Are made by our body. But a major chunk of fat cannot be made by the body and can only be consumed in by a consumer. Essential fats such as Omega 3 fats and omega 6 fats are categorized under this. The types of fats you consume can be classified under the following:
- Fats which is unsaturated from plants and foods
- Fats that are saturated from animal foods
- Fats from commercially processed food
Now that you are aware of the fact where this fat comes from and if it is good for us or not. Now you may be intrigued to know how are fats in our body stored. Fats in the human body are stored as adipose tissue. Adipose tissue is the major tissue that is known as fat-storing tissue and is found below the skin and also between our internal organs like the lungs and heart. The cells of these fat tissues are filled up with globules which act as a very good insulator.
Hence the fat in our body is stored as the adipose tissue, which is found in our bodies in various places. These act as very good insulators as well.