Question & Answer » Biology Questions » Soil Erosion Can Be Prevented By (a) Raising forests (b) Deforestation (c) Excessive use of fertiliser (d) Overgrazing by animals.

Soil Erosion Can Be Prevented By (a) Raising forests (b) Deforestation (c) Excessive use of fertiliser (d) Overgrazing by animals.

Answer: (a) raising forests


Any method, natural or man-made that removes soil from the top layer is considered a form of soil erosion. Soil travels from one location to another, eventually settling in its new location. Soil degradation of this nature can occur on any land. It is extremely harmful and can have serious consequences and pose a threat to the environment if a significant portion of the top layer of soil is removed from a site.

  • To prevent soil erosion, it is recommended that more trees be planted to prevent soil erosion, as the tree roots retain the soil, and soil loss is prevented
  • Soil stabilisation using fibre logs
  • Proper drainage system to allow water to flow correctly in water collecting systems – systems.