Q: Name the largest and smallest cell in the human body.
Answer: Cells are the most basic functioning blocks in all living beings. A human body consists of trillions of such cells. They can be seen as subtle elements that comprise several tiny systems to enable body activities. The average size of a typical human cell is around 100 micrometers in diameter. The largest cell in the human body is the egg cell. The average size of the cell is approximately 0.15 millimeters to 0.2 millimeters. It is the female reproductive gamete or cell. The ovum or egg cell in the human female body is typically visible with naked eyes without a microscope. Ooplasm is a particular substance of the ovum cell present at its center. This substance comprises the cytoplasm. The egg cell is essential for the production of the offspring. It is responsible for half of the total genetic information required to produce another species. For reproduction, the cell needs to be fertilised by a human male sperm cell. These cells are stored in the human female ovaries connected to the uterus via fallopian tubes.
The smallest cell in the human body in terms of length is the Cerebellum’s Granule Cell. It is estimated that there are approximately 50 billion granule cells in the human body. They form the most neurons in the brain (¾ th of the total neurons in a human brain). These cells are located in the cerebellum. The mean size of the Cerebellum’s Granule Cell is about 4 micrometers to 4.5 micrometers. It should be noted that according to the suggestions of the scientists, the sperm cell is the smallest in the human body in terms of volume, with a cell head of about 5.1 um by 3.1 um.