Name the acid present in the stomach, what is its role?
The acid present in the stomach is Hydrochloric Acid. It is often known as stomach acid and is among the significant molecules that play a role in the digestive process. HCl is an abbreviation for hydrochloric acid. If HCl is not present, digestion and the absorption of several nutrients would not even be a theoretical possibility. Stomach acid assists you in digesting protein, helps keep you from acquiring food poisoning and infections, makes sure you’re receiving vitamin B12 in enough amount and alerts the rest of the digestive organs to produce enzymes and juices and also contractions in a muscle that make digestion smooth
It has many roles like:
- It acidifies the stomach by maintaining a pH level between 1-2,
- Helps in food digestion as it converts pepsinogen into pepsin,
- Acid’s presence in the stomach can prevent diseases like osteoporosis, yeast infections and many other illnesses
- Act as a barricade for microorganisms which further prevents infections
- Mucus present in the stomach act as a protective coating
More acid in the stomach can cause Stomach Ulcers, and less acid can cause nutritional deficiency, skin problems, leaky gut problems and digestive problems. About three to four litres of gastric juice are created each day. It is composed of digesting enzymes, hydrochloric acid, and other necessary components for the absorption of nutrients.
The meal is broken down by the hydrochloric acid that is found in the gastric juice, and the digestive enzymes are responsible for separating the proteins. In addition to killing microorganisms, the stomach juice is acidic. The mucus forms a protective layer that is present on the wall of the stomach. This, in conjunction with the bicarbonate, helps to guarantee that the hydrochloric acid does not cause damage to the stomach wall itself.