Question & Answer » Biology Questions » Name Five Plants and Their Parts That We Eat

Name Five Plants and Their Parts That We Eat

Answer: In one way or another, every living thing on Earth relies on plants for its nourishment. Plants are the primary source of sustenance for animals. Plants offer us a variety of essential elements in the form of food. The leaves, roots, stems, and flowers of a plant are examples of the many components. Plants can be eaten entirely, from the root to the leaf to the fruit. The plants and their parts are as mentioned below:

  • Flowers from broccoli and cauliflower plants are delicious when eaten raw or in a salad. 
  • Leafy greens such as spinach are a staple in our diet.
  • Despite its intense flavour, the mustard plant is primarily a source of oil. It is possible to consume both the leaves and the stems of the mustard plant.
  • The roots of the potato plant are utilised as a source of food. Carbohydrates and fibres are found in abundance. 
  • The leaves of the cabbage plant are harvested and prepared for consumption.