Q. Megasporangium is Equivalent to
(1) Embryo sac
(2) Fruit
(3) Nucleus
(4) Value.
Answer- (3) Nucleus
Megasporangium is considered equivalent to the Ovule. Megasporangium is a technical term given to an Ovule. It contains a nucleus, integument and funiculus through which it’s the adherent placenta. Integuments cover a micropyle opening through which pollen tubes enter the Ovule during flower fertilisation.
The Value has the presence of integument and megasporangium. This is often a small structure connected to the placenta employing a funicle. The funicle and Value are attached by a point or part known as the hilum.
The Value is surrounded by the nucleus’s protective covering, known as integuments. There is a point where the integument layer is absent, and a tiny opening is present at that point or part. This point is known as the micropylar end. The basal part of the Ovule is called chalaza and is present opposite the micropyle. The nucleus forms the main body of the Ovule and has a parenchymatous mass present. The female gametophyte is, also known as the embryo sac, present inside the nucleus. The megaspore mother cell undergoes reduction division and leads to the formation of the four haploid megaspores. This process is known as megasporogenesis.
The Value is of Six Types
Orthotropous: The orthotropous is where the plant’s body is straight so that the chalaza, the funicle and the micropyle align.
Anatropous: A scar marks the area where the seed was eventually attached to the fruit. In Anatropous, the Values are completely inverted throughout development so that the micropyle lies close to the hilum.
Hemi-Anatropous: Here, the values shape something like a right angle about the funicle.
Campylotropous: The shape of the campylotropous is bent, and alignment between the chalaza and the micropyle ceases to the exit; therefore, the embryo sac becomes slightly curved and bent in shape.
Amphitropous: The body of Amphitropous Ovule is so curved that the Value and the embryo sac take the shape of a horseshoe.
Circinotropous: The shape of the circinotropous is the most distinct of them all. The funicle in the case of circinotropous Ovule is so long that it creates a full circle around the Ovule and its micropyle ultimately points upward.