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List the Major Groups of Microorganisms

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List The Major Groups of Microorganisms.

The major groups of microorganisms are:

  • Bacteria
  • Archaea 
  • Fungi (yeasts and moulds)
  • Algae
  • Protozoa 
  • Virus


Bacteria are prokaryotes and live in a wide variety of habitats. 

They have no nucleus. 

Some of the bacteria are found in the soil, in plants, and in water or air. Bacteria contain nitrogen-fixing organisms which help to produce ammonia from ammonium ions and nitrates. They also produce antibiotics which fight against other infections.


Archaea are also referred to as archaebacteria. They are prokaryotes, living in a wide variety of habitats. They have no nucleus and can be found in soil, water, air and food. Some archaea help to produce ammonia from ammonium ions and nitrates.

Archaea also produce antibiotics which fight against other infections.


Fungi are eukaryotes (as they contain cell nuclei) and live in a variety of habitats. They are typically found in soil, on leaves and trees, as well as on animals. Some fungi are parasitic on plants or help to break down dead organic matter. Fungi produce antibiotics that destroy harmful bacteria and viruses.


Algae are unicellular organisms (only one cell)that can be found in soil, water, air and food. They are the largest single group of photosynthetic organisms (cellular life-forms that produce their energy by photosynthesis).


Protozoa are single-cellular organisms that are found in all types of water and soil. They feed on bacteria, algae and other protozoa. Protozoa help to decompose organic matter. They also produce antibiotics, which kill other harmful microorganisms.


There are two types of viruses:

  • Bacteria viruses (phages)
  • Virus-like organisms (viruses)

Viruses can infect bacteria and other microorganisms. These can then multiply and the virus expands, causing disease in its victims. Viral infections may be serious or harmless but are widespread. Common diseases include measles and polio.