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……….is an Example of Monocot an example of a monocot. A. Nutmeg B. Maize C. Sunflower D. Cinnamon. Find the answer to this question and access a vast question bank customised for students.

Q) …………………is an example of a monocot.

A. Nutmeg 

B. Maize

C. Sunflower

D. Cinnamon

Answer: (B) Maize

Maize is a monocot as it has a single cotyledon, a fibrous root system, and the parallel venation of the leaves is the most noticeable feature. They are members of the Poaceae family. Stomata can be seen on both the upper and lower surfaces of their leaves.


Monocots, also known as monocotyledons, are flowering plants (angiosperms) with only one embryonic leaf, or cotyledon, in their seeds, such as grasses and grass-like plants. They are one of the major groups of flowering plants that have been divided historically; the rest of the blooming plants are classified as dicotyledons or dicots because they have two cotyledons.

Some examples of Monocots

Monocotyledons also include main grains (rice, wheat, maize, and so on), forage grasses, sugar cane, and bamboos. Other economically important monocotyledon crops include Arecaceae palms, Musaceae bananas and plantains, Zingiberaceae gingers and related, turmeric and cardamom, Asparagaceae asparagus and pineapple (Bromeliaceae). 

Physical Features of Monocotyledons 

  • A monocot’s roots lack a vascular cambium (the area where secondary xylem and phloem, or secondary vascular tissue, grow) and hence have no way of thickening secondary tissue. Monocot roots are structurally identical to eudicot roots in almost every way

  • Many eudicots have a taproot or multiple robust roots, as well as several orders of branch roots that all stem from the embryonic root (radicle). In such a system, the taproot or primary roots have a vascular cambium that is thickened by secondary growth. Monocots do not have this type of root system

  • Instead, the primary root that emerges from the embryo’s radicle aborts or remains immature, resulting in the absence of a primary root. The plant is believed to be fibrous-rooted since its roots are all thin

  • Monocots are among the most economically and culturally important plants, accounting for the majority of the world’s basic foods, such as cereal grains and starchy root crops, as well as palms, orchids, and lilies, as well as construction materials and numerous medications